Thursday, May 30, 2013

Roi Serviteur! Servant King!


Bonjour mes amis!

I'm going to be away from my Blog for a couple of days on an exciting trip!  You'll have to come back next week so I can tell you all about it...

In the meantime, I wanted to share one more Post this week.  I've mentioned before about the dear, little Church we have been attending here in Orléans.  We have really enjoyed being part of this Congregation, and I have regularly shared with you some of the Music from our Worship Services.  Let me share one more Song this week, because I found a YouTube recording of it.  We sing it fairly regularly, and it's simple and quite beautiful.  Afterward, I'll give you the words AND a translation, of course!

Roi Serviteur!  (Servant King!)

Tu es venu jusqu'à nous,  (You came to us,)
Quittant la gloire de ton ciel.  (Leaving the glory of Your Heavens.)
Tu es venu pour servir,  (You came to serve,)
Donnant ta vie pour nous sauver.  (Giving your life to save us.)

Dieu tout-puissant, Roi serviteur,  (Almighty God, Servant King)
Tu nous appelles tous à te suivre  (You call us all to follow you)
Et à t'offrir nos corps en sacrifice.  (And offer you our bodies as a sacrifice.)
À toi l'honneur, Roi serviteur.  (To You be the honor, Servant King.)

Dans le jardin de douleur  (In the garden of pain)
Où mon fardeau brisa ton cœur,  (Where my burden broke your heart,)
Tu dis à Dieu dans ta peine :  (You say to God in your pain:)
"Ta volonté et non la mienne".  ("Thy will, not mine.")

Voyez ses mains et ses pieds,  (See his hands and feet,)
Pour nous, témoins du sacrifice.  (For us, witness the sacrifice.)
Les mains qui tenaient la terre,  (The hands holding the earth)
Se livrent aux clous de la colère.  (Bore the nails of anger.)

Apprenons donc à servir  (So we learn to serve)
En laissant Christ régner en nous ;  (Letting Christ reign in us;)
Car en aimant nos prochains,  (For loving our neighbors)
C'est Jésus-Christ que nous servons.  (It is Jesus Christ we serve.)

I Hope you are blessed by this Song, these Words and the Love of Christ this weekend!
Have a Blessed Day!

Spring at Clos Lucé!


Bonjour mes amis!

Are you keeping count?  I think I've lost track...

I do love going to...

Clos Lucé, also known on my blog as Leo's Place!

You remember, Leonardo DaVinci's Château, right?  I've taken you there...oh, I don't know how many times?

But you know Me...I'll always try to find something new and exciting to show you!  It's a fabulous place to take our Visitors.  Our latest trip there, was last month with Jewelius' Grandparents.  Spring Leaves and Flowers were making their appearance.

A few random shots...

Okay, well, Fleur-de-Lis are never random shots for Me...very purposeful, because I love them!

Look at the detail on this Table!

And, check out this Leg!

I've never shown you the Signs that are hanging in the Rooms where there are Models of Leonardo DaVinci's Inventions...

I think it's kind of comical how the Sign is signed by  Leonard DaVinci Himself!

It was a perfect day, so we spent much time outside.  The Property is just beautiful...

Grandpa and his Grandson, Jewelius!

Grandparents and a View of Amboise!

There are numerous signs like this to give clear direction as to what comes next.  I love their old, rusty look!

Ah!  The Flowering Trees...

I hope you enjoyed Re-Visiting Clos Lucé!  As always, it was a pleasure to have you along!

Have a "Jewel" of a Day!

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Content Grandparents!


Bonjour mes amis!

I've just got to take you back to Paris again today.  Jewelius' Grandparents got to see the Cathedral Notre Dame for the first time, and they were not disappointed.  Dr. J took some awesome photos outside, and I think they will "WOW!" you, too!

Actually, I believe that I took this next one.  Interesting perspective, don't you think?

The Details are so astounding!

This next one will sure give you some perspective on the grandeur and size of Notre Dame!

I've shown you the inside a few times already, so I'm just sharing a couple new shots on the inside today!

A Soloist was singing while we were inside, so we enjoyed that for a little while...

I am still completely in love with the detail of these Doors...

And, I think the Grandparents had a very good Day!

It was such a beautiful day that many Parisians were enjoying a rest along the bank...

The Grandparents got a rest on the Train.  They do look pretty content, too, don't they?

We were so glad we got to enjoy this Day with them!

I hope you have a "Jewel" of a Day!

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Mementos & a Pretty Day in Paris!


Bonjour mes amis!

Some things are slowing down Jewelius' School.  This is his last week of classes, and then the students his age do an Internship to end off the School year.  We are hopeful that Jewelius can learn about Dr. J's Lab here as part of an Intership.

Other things have ramped up Puces and Vide Greniers (Flea Markets and Garage Sales)!  It's raining again today...and it seems like it always rains when I'm invited to join friends for a Puce or Vide Grenier...and there have been plenty the last couple of weeks!  But, that doesn't dampen my spirit totally.  I'm always still willing to go...with Umbrella in hand...

Recently, I've purchased a few neat things to add to my pile of Mementos from France...

Afterall, who doesn't need a couple of old Mustard pots!  I have a couple ideas for using these.  Aren't they adorable?  I'd say I need a third Mustard Pot (you know, odd numbers in decorating!), but I'm recalling a cute Crock I have at Home that could look nice grouped with these on a tray!

This Children's Story Book intrigued me.  It's "Ancien", which is basically their word here for old when it comes to such things!  Check out the copyright date, though...1875!  It's in nice condition, too.  On the outer binding, the gold is all intact yet.

It's illustrated with Sketch Pictures inside...

I enjoy the Pictures at the beginning and end of the Chapters, too!

Longer ago, I also picked up another book "Ancien".  It's a cookbook...of sorts...from 1926!

It says it's for small Households.  Hmmm!  We're having Salmon for dinner tonight.  Perhaps I can find a nice way to prepare the Salmon for the Stove/Oven by translating the tips in this Book...

My friend who accompanied me while I purchased this (as well as her husband) were intrigued by the book.  It's sort of a nostalgic book.  (I think they secretly wanted to "nab" it from me!)  It's fun to read through.  Not very exact in measurements...more about instruction and technique.

Even though it's raining today...

It didn't rain one beautiful day last month when we took the Train into Paris with Jewelius' Grandparents!

Of course, we had to go to the Eiffel Tower!  Everyone who goes to Paris must see this Icon!

See how much fun we were having waiting in line to go to the Summit!?!

I love how this next shot came out with the Shadow of the Eiffel Tower in the River Seine!  Such a  beautiful day for picture taking...

Next stop, of course, the Arc De Triomphe!

This is the underside of the Arc.  There's so much detail, and so many Names of People being honored there...

Next, we were on to Sacré-Cœur!  Some people took the Funicular, but I'm not going to name any names...

You are not allowed to take pictures inside!  After a short visit, we wandered through Montmarte, and then stopped for a Coke!  No Rain....a Beautiful Day!

I hope you are enjoying a beautiful "Jewel" of a Day!