Sunday, February 9, 2014

Something Sweet and the Treasury!


Bonjour mes amis!

No sooner do I tell you that "I am determined" to continue blogging about France, and then I am absent again from blogging for another week!  Wow!  Thanks for not giving up on me...

I truly love every minute I get to look back on pictures of our year in France.  I think and dream about what I'd tell you, and then life gets in the way.

For today, I wanted to get a little jump on Valentine's Day, and share some Raspberry Mousse I made last week.  (And don't you love the little French Vase I received from my dear friend?)  Jewelius and I are experimenting.  We ate a lot of Chocolate Mousse in France.  It was always our dessert of choice...though, I do love Creme Brulee also!  Anyway, we are trying out different Mousse recipes to make for a "Cake Auction" for the Youth Group fund raiser at our Church.  (We know, Mousse is not cake, but why not be different?)  I have purchased some antique parfait glasses, and we will make Chocolate Mousse, and we hope they sell well at the Auction and raise some funds!

I'll have to keep you posted about that, and share some Chocolate Mousse pictures, but the Raspberry Mousse is awfully good as well!

In the meantime, today, let's finish up with Notre Dame de Paris!  Last time, I told you about my Dad and I climbing the Towers and enjoying the extraordinary views, but today...

We'll go inside!

I LOVE the interior of this Cathedral!

There's so much to see...

My Dad wanted to go into the Treasury as well.  I think I went in about nine years ago, but not since, so it was nice for me to discover something new again.

There's lots of gold in this place!

I hope you enjoyed the peak at the Treasury...

I so enjoy the Pillars, Chandeliers and Stained Glass Windows at Notre Dame!

I'm going to hope to be with you again this week on my blog, but just in case, I wanted to wish you...


Have a lovely week!