Monday, March 25, 2013

Palms, Projects and a Puce!


Bonjour mes amis!

"The Large Crowd...
took the branches of palm trees
 and went out to meet Jesus,
and began to shout
(from John 12:12, 13)

Did you know that yesterday was Palm Sunday, a day to commemorate when the crowds of Jerusalem Honored and Praised Jesus, waving Palm Branches?  What a glorious parade that must have been!

This week, we will also remember our Savior's Death and Resurrection (on Easter Morning)!  I hope this is a special week of reflection and rejoicing for you!


It seems rather trivial to write about a few other things, compared with the wonder of Easter week, but since I gave you three "P's" in my Title, I'll share a couple more things...

I told you recently that I had finished my "Winter Road Trip Project", so let me just share a photo with you.  I really like it...

So, now I've started another project...just for fun...making Yoyos!  I haven't decided what this project is going to be yet.  You make all these little yoyos and link them together...

Perhaps it will be a Table Runner, or it could be a fun Coverlet for a Bed, if I wanted to make about a trillion of these!  I'll let you know...for now, I'm just having fun sewing these little babies...

This weekend, we got to a Puce, or more specifically, a Marché aux Puces, or really, it was more like a Vide Grenier, which, more specifically is an Empty Attic AKA Garage Sale!  Okay.  Okay.  I wanted a "P" word, and my friend always calls them "Puces"!  Puce in French means Flea...hence the word, Flea Market.

As I was saying, we went to one this weekend.  It was huge...many, many Vendors, and even food was available.  We got ourselves some Foie Gras Sandwiches!  Yum!

We did get a few little Treasures as well...

I was quite taken with this little "Fleur de Sel" Pot with the Scoop, for Salt.  I've seen these in older French Kitchens, and just thought it was a nice little conversation piece to have next to the stove while cooking...

This is a painted Scene done by a local man in Chécy.  (This is the town we went to for the Puce).  A canal runs through the Village, so it was quite picturesque.  It was difficult choosing from the Paintings, but I loved the Bridge, and the Stone Houses in the background.  Hopefully, I can find a nice place for this in my Home in Dallas.

And...Dr. J even found something useful...

A Decanter!  It was only One Euro!  Can't go wrong with that price!  Oh, he also bought a Grill tool that is necessary for grilling sausages out on the Sidewalk!  (I didn't think you'd mind if I didn't take a picture of that).

I'm sure you have many preparations to make this do I, since a childhood friend of mine is coming for a visit.  Amidst all the busyness, do take time to reflect on what Jesus Christ has done for us.  He is Risen!

I hope you have a Fabulous "Jewel" of a Week!

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