Bonjour mes amis!
It's a rainy day in Orléans; a perfect day for me to stay home and blog, while I finish my Flu recovery. Actually, I'm feeling much better, maybe a little weak yet, but I'm sure I'll be fine by tomorrow.
Today, we're going to re-visit a place I told you about during the Fall, but now I have re-visited with my family in Winter, so let's go back and see what new things we might notice together at Château du Clos Lucé! I call it Leo's Place, because it was Leonardo DaVinci's Home. (Incidentally, if you didn't get to visit Leo's Place the first time, by all means, stop on over by clicking HERE, but then do come back to make this latest trip with us.)
A peek as we you remember now? I know this is a unusual shot to show you to remind you of this beautiful castle, but the grounds were surrounded by these awesome stone walls, and they were covered with this beautiful moss from all of the rain we've had.
Maybe this shot reminds you better, because of the replica model of one of Leonardo DaVinci's Inventions, just down the hill.
There you you remember this now?
And now, some shots inside the Castle...
Inside the Chapel...
During the Christmas Season, there are Crèche everywhere in France. It is the mainstay of their decoration. I even spotted a Crèche in the storefront of our local Pharmacy!
I bet you wanted that last picture translated, didn't you?
Well, it means something like...
"I believe that happiness is born to men where one finds good wines."
(Well, in my humble opinion, Leonardo DaVinci must have tried some of the good French wines we have enjoyed!)
Moving on to the Courtyard views...
Let's go down the hill to see the life-size models of DaVinci's Inventions and some other nice views...
Time to's getting dark...
We decided to stay in a little village nearby overnight, so first, we headed to Amboise for dinner...
Well, dinner had to wait...we stopped for some "Vin Chaud" (Hot Wine or Mulled Wine)...
Isn't this a pretty presentation?
My son isn't sporting that disappointed face because he didn't get any "Vin Chaud" He didn't want any, so don't feel too bad for him. He was offered something different...
Now, we're on to dinner...
...and then we realized that it was a 6 month Anniversary for our Diamond Duo!
Aren't they cute together? Happy 6 Month-aversary!!!
Alas, I am tiring, so I'll leave you today with one last picture of a Jewelery shop in Amboise...where else?
So, have a "Jewel" of a day!
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