Bonjour mes amis!
Tell me something...
Did you move a lot when you were little?
I mean, did you grow up in the same town all your life?
Well, I really only moved once during my childhood that I can remember well, but I was 16 years old, so it is pretty etched in my memory. We moved from the East Coast to Chicago. Though I loved our new house, I remember having a hard time in my new School, and one of the teachers told my parents that I was "living in the past".
Well, I missed my old School.
I missed my old Friends.
This School was too big for me, and I wanted to talk about the things I got to do in my "little" School.
Does this sound familiar to ANYBODY?
I mean I wanted to talk all about how wonderful it was where I used to live, and all the fun things I did in my spare time, and how there were mountains and beaches not too far away...
Now, before you go worrying about me, please know that the move to Chicago did not scar me for life. Chicago had its perks...
- I got to get my License earlier than my old friends, since the age was 16 in Chicago.
- I got to explore the City of Chicago with its Museums and awesome Architecture, and the Water Tower Place Mall with it's cool glass elevator. (I had never seen one of those in my life!)
- I met my husband in Chicago! (The biggest perk!)
To name a few!
For your information, I have moved a few more times since, and I think I've learned to not "live in the past"...
I think...
Excuse me while I "live in the past" for a few minutes here. Honestly, I got tears in my eyes looking back at all these pictures. Our year in France was really special for us, and we made many wonderful memories, and besides that...I definitely want to go back! I told Dr. J that I have "people" in Orléans now!
And, I still want to talk with you about it, and share all the wonderful things we loved and still love about France...
Our friends who came to Rome with us, wanted to also visit us in France. When you wander around in Orléans, where we lived, you must visit the Cathedral. It's huge, and there's always something "new" for you to notice.
I've shown you this Cathedral numerous times on my blog, but it really is beautiful, and I do always try to show you something I hadn't noticed before...
The Stained Glass Windows are so amazing...
The immensity of the Place is awe-inspiring...
The wood-work is just full of detail...
Aren't French Chairs kind of neat?
I love the tiles, and even the floor grates...(which apparently come from Paris!)
Again, with the wood-work!
Okay, I've said my piece...
Got it out of my System...
I think I've conquered it...
Yes, I'm pretty sure I have...
Nope. I definitely haven't. I'll keep "living in the past", so I can reminisce with you about the awesome year we spent in France. I certainly hope you won't hold it against me. I give you permission to do the same. How's that?
Until next time...
Have a "Jewel" of a Day!