Wednesday, August 17, 2016

A Day in Rouen and an Evening in Vernon!


Bonjour mes amis!

Of course, I'm taking you back to France again today.  I'm so enjoying reliving my year in France, and now reliving the little trip my Dad and I took together.  Prior to my Dad's arrival, I asked him if there were any places in France he really wanted to see.

Giverny wasn't originally on his radar, but when he found out we could combine it with a trip to Rouen, France, he was thrilled, and was all in.

So, today, we are in Rouen.  It is a very old city in Normandy.

Of course, we wandered through magnificent Cathedrals...

With amazing stone and architectural lines and details...

And big French Hydrangeas...called, Hortensia in France!

Cathedrals are always being cleaned in France...

That's got to be a tedious job with all the detailed stonework!

Sometimes, there are beautiful patches of gardens or cloisters...

The city itself is loaded with half-timbered houses, and this really excited my Dad to see these.

So quaint...

Next is the Abby of Saint-Ouen...

Did my Dad really just photo bomb?  I probably was trying to get a shot of a stained-glass window for Dr. J.

You must know by now, how much I enjoy the beautiful iron work!

Impressive, right?

Moving along to the other side of town...

We came to an important tower...

It's all that's left of a castle of the French King from the 13th Century, but it's also where...

Joan of Arc was held in the fortress and threatened with torture.

Next, we're coming to a scenic part of town...

But first, in this next picture, you will notice the smaller, round silver building by the tree.  That is a public bathroom.  It's a little frustrating in France when you have the urge to go.  Unless you are a paying customer in a restaurant, there's very little option for restrooms.  The upside of these toilets on the street is, that they usually are self-cleaning!

This next photo is inside a Church that was completed in 1979.  It's more modern, but still has traditional Church details.  But just outside this Church...

Is the exact spot where Joan of Arc was burned at the stake!

Of course, now, Joan of Arc is a Saint and heroine to the French people, and they celebrate her everywhere in France!

Rouen is a bustling town, and it was fun to walk along and explore and appreciate the architecture!

And, of course, the little shops!

I shot the next photo with a certain friend in pink loving friend!  She'd probably love this store!

After our time in Rouen, we decided to head to Vernon for some dinner.  I had read about a Michelin star restaurant we might want to check out.

We got to Vernon, though, and had no idea where the restaurant was or how to find our way around.  We wandered for a few minutes, and then a man started to approach me.  He was going to ask me for money.  I knew it.  So, in my best broken French, I asked him how to get to the restaurant.  He explained the way, and I gave him a couple Euros to thank him.  Win!  Win!  I got directions.  He got cash!

And then we got to Bistro des Fleurs, and managed to get a table in this soon-to-be very busy restaurant...

And had a really wonderful meal.  It was the best Magret de Canard (Duck breast) I'd ever had!

My Dad was thrilled with his meal, too!

And we left there quite content and happy with our wonderful day and evening together!

Have a "jewel"of a day!

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