Bonjour mes amis!
I hope you had an enjoyable weekend! I know I did. On Saturday, it was really quiet around our house, but it was nice.
I got some time to blog and organize, and now I am getting to show you the French town of Chartres as we stroll the village and peek in Churches and around corners!
On Sunday, we had a really special day...
My twin Grandsons, T. Asscher and Z. Marquise (see how I'm using their new blog names here?) were baptized.
We made the one hour drive out to the Diamond Duo's house, because we had something special to drop off before heading to the Church.
I hope you'll follow along to the end of this post, so I can show you what we dropped off!
Oh! Enjoy these next couple photos. One of the Churches we popped into in Chartres, St. Aignan, was all set up for a Wedding. It was so simple and pretty.
I almost felt weird wandering through the Church when obviously, the Wedding was to take place later in the day yet.
Anyway, back to my day yesterday...
So, we headed to the Church for the Worship Service and the Baptism. There was much family there, and we oohed and aahed over the twins in their little white outfits.
We arrived early to save a couple rows of pews, and already the twins were getting antsy!
Out came the cheerios!
T. Asscher and Z. Marquise were amazingly good!
As the Diamond Duo made their way up from the pews with the twins, my daughter-in-love turned to me and showed me that they were using the white blankets I crocheted for them, and gave her as a Baby Shower gift last September.
It made me so happy! You can use a blanket any time of year in Texas. If it's not cold out, it will be cold inside with the air conditioning. Really, though, these ended up just for show, and maybe to catch a little bit of the dripping baptismal water!
The Baptism itself was so meaningful, and thankfully, uneventful. Tears came to my eyes as I saw my son and daughter-in-love up there, smiling and enjoying the day. These boys names are a mouthful, and the Pastor called them each by name correctly as he held them and sprinkled them in the Name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, and they were received into the Church as the children of believing parents!
A little girl also received the sign of Baptism, just after the twins. She was a little older, and as she stood there, ready to be baptized, I think everyone in the Sanctuary smirked as they saw her put her hands up to her face to shield her eyes from the water. What a precious day!
Because the twins are of a certain age, they were whisked away afterward to wiggle and squeal with the other babies in the Nursery!
After the Service, it was so dear to see so many of their friends and members of the Church go up to the Diamond Duo with congratulations, and hugs, and kisses on the cheeks for the boys.
What an awesome day!
All the family, about 20 of us, joined back at the house to celebrate together!
There was no going to a restaurant with that many people, including quite a few children, and the twins were quite tired from their busy morning, and ready for a nap!
So, with chicken, fruit salad, cole slaw and mac 'n cheese on our plates, we celebrated and laughed together, and enjoyed being family together!
Taking an aside for a moment, I hope you enjoy these river pictures...
Something about water and bridges and moss and drooping trees really is relaxing isn't it?
These are the kind of villages I like to visit!
Well, I couldn't resist taking this next photo. It's just so typically French!
And of course, it wouldn't be a visit to a French village without flowers!
Late June is perfect for Roses in France!
As you can see, we saw quite a few old, stone Churches in Chartres!
There were awesome views, too!
I guess it's about time to close this post off. I've really overloaded the photos today!
Back to the parking garage!
And on our way home...
But, I did promise to tell you what we had to drop off at the Diamond Duo's house before the Baptism.
Ms. Emerald made both of these beautiful cakes for the special day. My daughter-in-love loves succulents, so it was fitting for this family! Trust me, they tasted as good as they look!
And, I couldn't resist closing things off today with a photo of the Diamond family, just before the two boys were baptized!
Until next time!